Why Choose the Best Automated parking in India City Park

Why Choose the Best Automated Parking in India: City Park

The most important problem that people face in a busy city is the problem of traffic. With the rise of automobile manufacturing companies, there have been many cars and vehicles on the road. This creates stress on the people. Even if they can escape the traffic, finding the best area to park the vehicle has become more frustrating. 

This problem is solved by using the Automated Parking System. This system mainly aims at reducing the area and volume that is required for parking your vehicles. Would you please continue reading to know more about the ease of parking using APS?


The Fully and Semi-Automated Parking Systems

With the rise in the requirement of parking systems, City Park needed different technologies. Thus, there are two prominent types of parking systems. The first one is the semi-automated parking system. In this system, an attendant is required to park the vehicles in empty slots. Later, there came a much more developed parking system called the fully automated parking system. In this kind of parking system, no attendant is required. But the machine automatically starts and moves the vehicle to the place where there is an empty parking slot.

This has helped not just for parking purposes in the city. But it is also very useful for the automobile manufacturing industry. They are the places where hundreds of cars and vehicles are manufactured. Parking those vehicles was made easy using these automated parking systems.


The main feature of Automated Parking Systems


The most important feature of the basic usage of fully automated parking systems is that they used cameras and other proximity sensors. The driver and other people travelling in the car have to exit. The parking system automatically moves the car to the empty parking space. A more sophisticated automated parking system will calculate the size of the car and place the vehicle accordingly. This also saves time, stress and more energy. This fully automated parking system eliminates the usage of the attendant. Thus, you don’t have to worry about your car and other valuables inside your vehicle. You can find these easy ways of parking in the city park: cart parking.


Benefits of using an automated parking system

There are so many benefits of using an automated parking system. Because, with the increase of cars and vehicles that people are using, there has been a reduction in parking areas. But when these automated parking systems are used, more time can be saved by reducing the pressure. You don’t have to worry if your car will be stolen or damaged. But you can park them in a much safer place in a city park: cart parking with the help of an automated parking system. A few benefits that can be accountable by using the APS system are:


  • More cars in a reduced area

There are many chances parking more cars in a small number of areas. This is because the automated parking system is designed in a way that helps people park their cars safely and in a reduced area of space. The proximity sensors of the system that can calculate the size of your car can help you in parking your vehicle in a much compact space by reducing the volume of the area being used when each area of parking for a single car can be reduced. Then the area that can be calculated after parking hundreds of cars in the small compact area increases. This increase in the area can help many people park their vehicles. In layman's terms, if a place can occupy only 50 vehicles for parking. Then, with the help of an automated parking system in the city park: cart parking, more than nearly 100 vehicles can be parked. Each vehicle in a much more compact and safer way of parking.


  • Makes the entire process time saving and affordable

People always tend to choose something that is affordable yet poses a great usage. This does not just stop applying to the consumers. It also applies to everybody. When you can a product or service at an affordable cost, you save your money without compensating for the service provided by the automated parking systems. While constructing a normal parking garage, the builders must consider the entry of the people and their exit. It is also important to note the height of the ceiling and other many requirements.

All these things take time, more money has to be spent, and an energy-draining process. But this is not the same in the case of an automated parking system. This is because, in an APS, all that the builder has to consider is the maximum height and width of the cars. Thus, it is also affordable for the people who are parking vehicles at city park: cart parking.


  • APS provides better security

City Park provides better security: cart parking is not just for your vehicle but also for the valuables that are present inside your vehicle. The major problem with parking your vehicle in a normal garage is there can be many incidents where the car can get damaged. It can get damaged due to improper parking or reversing that is done by other people.

Another most important problem is that there are so many ways by which the valuables that are present inside your car can get stolen. But in an automated parking system, no people, including attendees, will be allowed to use your car. They will be parked in separate slots in a much safer way. Thus, the risk of having your car and valuables damaged is reduced.


  • Prevention of pedestrian accidents

In normal parking, there can be situations where there can happen few unwanted pedestrian accidents. There will only be a small amount of limited space for the pedestrian walking in a normal parking garage. Thus, there can be accidents that take place. But this is not the same with a place like a city park: cart parking that uses an automated parking system. This is because there is no entry for drivers or other pedestrians as the parking spaces are completely automated. There might be a few assistants in the case of a semi-automated parking system and for another maintenance purpose. 


  • Reduce the pollution

You might be wondering how pollution came linked with parking garages? Yes, they do. This is because the parking lots and garages are usually closed spaces. Thus, when people are driving inside the garage to identify the best area for parking. There are some unwanted chemicals that get emitted in the garage. Since it is mostly a tightly packed space, there is no much space for the polluted air to escape the garage. But this is not the same in the case of a city park that uses the automated parking systems. When there is no requirement for driving through the garage in search of a parking lot, then there can be reduced pollution within the parking area. This is important to notice because even simple things count.


  • Comes with an improved handicap access

It is impossible for disabled people to climb stairs from the parking lot to the place they want to reach. Though the access is not totally restricted when they are using normal parking garages, it becomes a stress for them. But this can be avoided when they are using the automated parking systems. In these systems, the driver and other people can get off the car, and the system takes care of the rest of the parking process.

Thus, there are so many benefits of preferring an automated parking system rather than being stuck with the usual and normal garage parking systems.


The different types of automated parking system

There are also different kinds of automated parking system APS that has been developed. Each system has its own advantages and usage. The companies or parking areas choose the Automated parking system that is suitable for the area and volume of the parking lot that has been built. The different types of automated parking systems are: 

  • Tower system or also known as the rack and rail system. 
  • The rack and rail system with the multi-level rails can accommodate a greater number of cars efficiently. 
  • The other one is the lift and slide system. 
  • Rotatory parking systems are also wider in use.

The bottom line

Thus, with so many benefits that are present in using the automated car parking system. There are so many malls and other places that have adapted to this kind of parking system. They seem to be more useful and efficient when compared to the normal garage parking systems that have been followed traditionally. As a customer, getting satisfied is very important for parking lots such as city parks: cart parking. You do not have to get stressed upon and waste your valuable time searching for empty parking lots. Because, with the Best APS, you can now stay relaxed and carry on with your work without any tension about your vehicle.